Sunday, April 20, 2014

O2 Sensor Faulty

Confirm, the trouble code is P0135.
Oxygen O2 Sensor, Bank 1,Sensor 1.
Mean that upstream O2 sensor is in faulty. 

A code P0135 may mean that one or more of the following has happened: 
1. O2 Heater element resistance is high 
2. Internal short or open in the heater element 
3. O2 heater circuit wiring high resistance 
4. Open or short to ground in the wiring harness

1. Due to part failure
2. Emission too high?
3. Wiring problem that lead the sensor did not functioning correctly (power lost)?

Most probably, replace the right sensor will overcome this problem if the cause is (1). If other causes, the warning light is still ON. Normally cause (2) will trigger other trouble code together. Cause (3) could be identified with simple DIY check to confirm no electrical problem associated with 02 sensor.
Check the either the power is supplied to the sensor or not.

For Alphard ANH10W, there are two O2 sensor, upstream and down stream
Upstream sensor can be identified easily because it is located inside the engine bay.
Downstream sensor is located near underneath car at the exhaust system.

Upstream Oxygen Sensor Heater
Downstream Oxygen Sensor Heater

Changed both upstream and downstream oxygen sensor even the trouble code indicated the upstream sensor is malfunction. Because for me, this sensors work in a closed loop system. Better change both.

This sensor cost me RM490/pc.
New original Toyota about RM500 ~ RM700
Recond one (repair unit), RM200 ~ RM350 
Generic part , RM150 ~ RM250

Use only the new original Toyota sensor because there are some report/claim by them who use recond/generic part, the engine light warning will ON after 2 weeks with same trouble code P0135.

ATF Change

Went to Autobacs Tebrau City on 11/4/2014 for normal sevice and ATF change. Originally plan to do normal service + ATF change + engine diagnosis at Toyota Service Centre (Heiwa Auto Gallery) at Tebrau City but was told the waiting time too long for me.

That the only one Toyota Service Centre that accept service for re-cond car in Johor as far as I know.
The Autobacs's mechanic (japanese malay speaking guy) willing to help me to do engine diagnosis for Engine Light Warning which I encountered currently.

1. Engine Oil Replacement - Mobil Super2000 Semi-synthetic 4Liter               : RM113
2. ATF Oil (Toyota Automatic Transmission Fluid Type T-IV)                        : RM125
3. Engine Diagnosis Scanner                                                                            : RM30
4. Labour Charge, Engine Oil Change                                                              : RM15
4. Labour Charge, ATF Change                                                                      : RM25
                                                                               TOTAL            : RM308

Unfortunately, the result of engine diagnosis did not return any error code.
So, engine warning light appeared without any trouble code?? Weird....

The mechanic take out the connection of the car battery about 30 minutes in order to reset the ECU.
Hopefully, that can clear out the light warning.

But again, the 1st ignition, the light did not come out but in 2nd ignition, the light is ON again and this time - back to the original issue. So, the problem is still there. He suspected that wiring problem and recommend me a guy who can diagnosis the wiring problem.

The Autobacs' visit did not cure the problem. Plan to visit Aliran Motor next week to overcome this problem.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Engine Warning Light (1st)

Engine warning light is ON.
The first indication appear somehow after long journey to Pendang. 
The light did not appear after first trip of the day, but appear right after the 2nd engine ignition. The light is ON merely about 5 minutes and then OFF. This condition is connsistently happen about 1 week. After that, the light is ON all the time. Suspected the O2 sensor but could not confirm it.

The effects - nothing abnormal on driving condition but noticed that the fuel consumption is increased a little bit. Honestly, before the light came ON, i felt that the FC was rising.

Was pretty sure the 02 sensor is faulty.
Since the faulty is quite normal for ANH10W. Just need to confirm it.

Will do during next normal maintenance service.